Friday 29 April 2011

NASA - Space Shuttle Launch

Start tomorrow from the space shuttle Endeavour has become a major tourist event, the Associated Press reported. NASA estimates suggest half a million people to see second-last chance for a shuttle launch. Other estimates range from 250,000 to a whopping 700,000. This could rival the crowds that visited the first lunar mission.
Hotels are sold out, and homeowners in the near John F. Kennedy Space Center benefits from renting rooms to spare. Local businesses also see a boom. The AP estimates the market was 15 million U.S. dollars in the local economy pumping.
Hopefully, because when the last shuttle goes into space this summer, will not start for some time. NASA does not have to develop something to replace the aging shuttle fleet and transfer to the International Space Station is the work of the Russians have been finalized.
The launch Endeavour is scheduled for 3:47 EDT tomorrow. It is the task number 134 to its fleet. The last mission instead of June 28 or later, and the price will go to the Space Shuttle Atlantis.

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