Judgement Day is May 21, 2011 If you do not understand the reference, then please stop reading this and buy a copy of "The hitchhiker guide to the galaxy. If I am wrong, then God will understand, I was just a joke. Hey, if you check the end of the world, Al and Sara, as you will inherit the land available Now@Amazon.com Legion Field knows and now exclusively for the Kindle.
21. May earthquake will be the last day that Jesus saves all believers and to the sky. Those who truly believe in God, regardless of whether they agree that the May 21 Doomsday is real, it will be stored in the second coming of Jesus.
Those who believe in Jesus and God is behind the ecstasy, End of Days experience will leave. God will not save more people over the last five months of existence on earth, before destroyed, together with all mankind, October 21, 2011. End of the World. How will you spend eternity?
21. May earthquake will be the last day that Jesus saves all believers and to the sky. Those who truly believe in God, regardless of whether they agree that the May 21 Doomsday is real, it will be stored in the second coming of Jesus.
Those who believe in Jesus and God is behind the ecstasy, End of Days experience will leave. God will not save more people over the last five months of existence on earth, before destroyed, together with all mankind, October 21, 2011. End of the World. How will you spend eternity?
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