Wednesday 4 May 2011

Justin Bieber Arrested - Picture

Note to self: EUR Troopers State Bieber disease. Justin Bieber escaped arrest after throwing a water balloon at a U.S. State Trooper.

It was almost intubation by the employee, who was super pissed after he impregnated a balloon of water thrown in Bieber.

The incident occurred shortly before a sold-out performance, but fortunately Bieb managed to talk him out of the driver, bodyguard.

Twittering about the incident, wrote Justin: "Still laughing, good day .."

He is hidden in a trailer while his bodyguard said the soldier, who was on crowd control report.

Local news station WBALTV Justin was, "Horsing around with the staff, with the exception of a trailer when the balloon struck a gun belt and break Trooper Trooper and brushed another in the chest, but not burst. "

A spokesman for the police statement confirmed the behavior described by Justin as "inappropriate" but not the incident report was filed and no further action will be taken against the environment.

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