Monday 9 May 2011

Microwave Cooking is Killing you and Your Health

Microwave Cooking is Killing you and Your Health If the waves, through our food, for us it is going we think of eating hot food is even worse. This means that the wave is still active, and go through the same context as we fight to stop us so we can move to the next mission. The waves may increase cancer risk in U.S.?

Even more important nutrients our bodies, our quest is healthy. Heating of certain foods actually consume the nutrients and digestive enzymes break down food to help. Microwave cooking is one of important causes. This is definitely one of the ignored.

In 1991 the difference was there in Oklahoma. A woman named Norma Levitt had hip surgery, but died a simple blood transfusion when a nurse "to transfer the blood warm in the microwave!"

Logic suggests that if heating is all to the boil in the microwave, regardless of how hot something is. Blood transfusion is usually heat, but not microwave ovens. Therefore not clear that microwave cooking is something completely different?

Short proof of the damage caused by cooking in the microwave radio link was a University of Minnesota:

"... I microwave for heating baby bottles is not recommended. Bottle may be cool, but the liquid inside may be very hot and could mouth and neck burn microwave heating baby bottles ... to minor changes in milk In infants it can lose some of the vitamins in milk, some protective properties may destroy your planet .... the glass under the running water or in a bowl of hot water, check the wrist their hands before feeding may be a few minutes longer but much safer. "

A large piece of ranting about the evil of the microwave can find. It is argued that food cooked in microwave, no matter what kind of food increased cholesterol, increased white blood cell count, reduced number of red blood cells and causes the production of compounds radiolytic (compounds of unknown nature) "All for sounds a little strange, but I'm really more interested in a particular story at the beginning of the article:

In 1991 the difference was there in Oklahoma. A woman named Norma Levitt had hip surgery, but died a simple blood transfusion when a nurse "to transfer the blood warm in the microwave!"

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