Tuesday 3 May 2011

Rashard Mendenhall Reacts To Osama Bin Laden's Death

Many athletes enthusiasm for the death of Osama bin Laden's message tweeted. Rashard Mendenhall was not convinced, however, to celebrate.

"What kind of people celebrate death?" Pittsburgh Steelers running back tweeted. "It is amazing how people can never heard a man speak. We heard only one side of hate ..."

He also comments on whether their aircraft in the World Trade Center on September 11 meeting could be broken is expressed.

"We will never know what really happened. hard to believe I could take down aircraft-style skyscrapers demolition, said: "Mendenhall.

Pohang president Art Rooney II Mendenhall addressed the comments in a statement on its website. Rashard Mendenhall: I found these two tweets from Pohang running back mysteriously. I understand that it comes to religious issues. But "we never know what happened" conspiracy and stupid "I've heard only one side is a scandalous waste. These numbers are a hot topic in sports today, the White House released a photo of bin Laden, (like this) Was killed.

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